Thermal manikins

The thermal manikins from PT is based on solid scientific research and state of the art technology, designed to imitate human thermal behaviour and evaluate thermal comfort. 

The thermal manikins from PT is based on solid scientific research and state of the art technology, designed to imitate human thermal behaviour and evaluate thermal comfort.

The manikins accurately measure the skin temperature and heat-loss, and calculate the equivalent temperature, clothing values as well as standard, well-documented thermal sensation indices. The results are analysed per body zone, body group (defined by the user, according to the application) or overall.

The thermal manikins are operated through an intuitive windows-based PC software with graphical monitoring and flexible data-logging features. The manikin control software can be coupled with the thermoregulatory model JOS-3 which enables realistic thermal behaviour and comfort evaluation in transient environments.

The manikins can be placed standing, sitting or lying down depending on the application. The body can be separated in the waist, without tools, for easy transport and setup.

It is proven to be very robust as even 25 year old manikins are still in operation with very little maintenance required. It is cast in high quality glass fiber with robust polyoxymethylen joints in knees and elbows, allowing the thermal manikin to withstand being moved around, dressed/undressed etc.


  • Simulates human body heat
  • Calculates operative and equivalent temperatures
  • Evaluates thermal comfort
  • Calculates clothing insulation


  • Male standard manikin with 12 – 36 customized thermal zones. With or without face and hand details.
  • Female standard manikin with 12 – 36 customized thermal zones. With or without hand details.
  • Child standard manikin (5-6 year old) with 10 – 22 customized thermal zones

Typical accessories:

  • Breathing system (link to product page),
  • Walking and motion system
  • Comfort sensor (link to product page)
  • Thermoregulatory model (JOS-3) coupling
  • Digital twin model
  • Ambient sensors T/RH/V
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